# Data accessed manually by a human following instructions: Dataset can be found on the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) products website (http://products.esa-icesheets-cci.org). Data are free to download after simple registration requiring `first.last` name and `affiliation`. No password is required. Once the `greenland_gravimetric_mass_balance_rl06_dtuspace_v2_0- 170820.zip` file is downloaded, use `unzip` to extract the data. Next, the supplied `scripts/esa_cci_gravimetric_mass_balance_dtu /gmb_dtu_nc_to_gpkg.py` script is run to convert the netcdf data into shapefiles that can easily ingested via the `LocalVector` layer task. # Data processed using the following steps: ogr2ogr -lco ENCODING=UTF-8 -t_srs EPSG:3413 -clipdst {assets_dir}/greenland_rectangle.geojson -makevalid {output_dir}/points_2013-01-01_2017-07-01.gpkg {input_dir}/QGREENLAND_GEOPACKAGES/points_2013-01-01_2017-07-01.gpkg