# Data accessed manually by a human following instructions: Dataset can be found on the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) products website (http://products.esa-icesheets-cci.org). Data are free to download after simple registration requiring `first.last` name and `affiliation`. No password is required. # Data processed using the following steps: unzip {input_dir}/greenland_sgl_s2_20190501_20191001_jakobshavn_v1_1.zip "*merged*" -d {output_dir} ogr2ogr -lco ENCODING=UTF-8 -t_srs EPSG:3413 -clipdst {assets_dir}/greenland_rectangle.geojson -makevalid -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT Geometry, id1, DATE( substr(date, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(date, 5, 2) || '-' || substr(date, 7, 2) ) as date, area1, elev, source, tile, row FROM greenland_sgl_s2_20190501_20191001_jakobshavn_merged_v1_1" {output_dir}/selected.gpkg {input_dir}/greenland_sgl_s2_20190501_20191001_jakobshavn_merged_v1_1.shp