# Data accessed manually by a human following instructions: Provided by Eva Mätzler via email as a zipped collection of data '20201112_Oqaasileriffik_place-name register.zip'. See scripts/private-archive-preprocess/eva_placenames/README.md (at QGreenland GitHub: https://github.com/nsidc/qgreenland) for preprocessing steps. # Data processed using the following steps: ogr2ogr -lco ENCODING=UTF-8 -t_srs EPSG:3413 -clipdst {assets_dir}/greenland_rectangle.geojson -makevalid -sql 'SELECT *, "English explanation of Object designation" || ":" || "New Greenlandic" as label FROM translations_joined WHERE "Object designation" NOT IN ("BY", "BYGD")' {output_dir}/final.gpkg {input_dir}/translations_joined.gpkg