# Data accessed manually by a human following instructions: Dataset can be found on the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) products website (http://products.esa-icesheets-cci.org). Data are free to download after simple registration requiring `first.last` name and `affiliation`. No password is required. # Data processed using the following steps: unzip {input_dir}/cci_sec_2021.zip -d {output_dir} gdalmdimtranslate -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -array name=SECer,view=[:,:,24] {input_dir}/Release/CCI_GrIS_RA_SEC_5km_Vers3.0_2021-08-09.nc {output_dir}/secer_2016_2020.tif gdal_translate -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co PREDICTOR=3 {input_dir}/secer_2016_2020.tif {output_dir}/compressed.tif cp {input_dir}/compressed.tif {output_dir}/overviews.tif && gdaladdo -r average {output_dir}/overviews.tif 2 4 8 16