# Data accessed manually by a human following instructions: Downloaded through the The Danish Agency for Map Supply and Efficiency's website on 2020-12-17. User registration is required. Once the ordered data were delivered (as a zipfile), they were extracted and a mosaic was created of the 500m version of the data via the `scripts/danish_agency_for_data_supply_and_e fficiency_gtk_topo_map/preprocess.sh` script. # Data processed using the following steps: gdal_translate -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co PREDICTOR=2 {input_dir}/dms_gtk_topo.tif {output_dir}/compressed.tif cp {input_dir}/compressed.tif {output_dir}/final.tif && gdaladdo -r average {output_dir}/final.tif 2 4 8 16